Whether your neighborhood is experiencing criminal activity or you want it to remain safe, here are simple ways to team up with your neighbors to accomplish your goals.
Below are 3 ways to keep your neighborhood safe:
Update Neighbors on Crime
While you should always contact the police if you see a problem, you can also keep your neighborhood up to date on crime using the hyper local Nextdoor app.
The app lets you post and comment on anything that’s going on in your neighborhood, including criminal activity.
It’s free and super easy to sign up for.
It’s also secure, preventing those outside the community from seeing info about those in the community. The app forces each new account to verify that they actually live in that neighborhood. Source: AckermanSecurity
Publications and Products For Home and Neighborhood Safety
- Travel Safety Tips Flier
This online Flier Travel Safety Tips from National Crime Prevention Council and McGruff The Crime Dog - Positive Change Through Policy
This online guide features examples of policies that create safer communities - Locking Your Home
Times have changed, and locks have changed, but burglars still look for homes that are easy targets. - Neighborhood Watch Needs You
This publication discusses reasons to get involved, the kinds of activities Watch groups do, and how they can help a neighborhood strengthen hometown and homeland security activities.Source: NCPC.org
Install a Security System
In the end, one of the surest options to improve safety in your neighborhood is to get a home security system and use it properly. A 2009 study by Rutgers found that, as the number of home security systems increased in an area, the number of residential robberies decreased in that area. Use the Safe wise security system finder tool to help you evaluate what security system will work best for your home. Source: Safewise
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Abbotsford, British Columbia V3G 2T7
Phone: (604) 200-8622