Pick Open Master Padlock with Lishi Tool | Mr. Locksmith Abbotsford

Pick Open Master Padlock with Lishi Tool | Mr. Locksmith Abbotsford: A Lishi tool is a very good tool for locksmiths to use as it is a time-saving way of making replacement keys or opening locked cars. Lishi is also a style of lock picking technique that is very easy to learn compared to the conventional way of picking locks. It only uses one lifting probe, which can be set at a specific space marking that allows each tumbler to be moved into the open shearline position.

Open Master Padlock with Lishi Tool | Mr. Locksmith Abbotsford

Open Master Padlock with Lishi Tool | Mr. Locksmith Abbotsford

Pick Open Master Padlock with Lishi Tool

Mr. Locksmith Abbotsford: (604) 200-8622

Mr. Locksmith Automotive Abbotsford(604) 259-7617


The Lishi picks are well built and have a nice feel to them. Only a small amount of training would suffice to learn Lishi picking. Two reasons why I love Lishi tool: One, It’s going to teach how to become a better lock picker, because you’re gonna know exactly where you are to feel the binding pin, and the second thing is, my biggest pain in the butt for pick is 6-pin Schlage.

Mr. Locksmith Abbotsford: (604) 200-8622

Mr. Locksmith Automotive Abbotsford(604) 259-7617


Locksmith Training: http://mrlocksmithtraining.com/ #mrlocksmith #locksmithtraining #locksmithtools

Mr. Locksmith™ Abbotsford email: [email protected]

Locksmith Courses: http://mrlocksmithtraining.com/

Terry Whin-Yates is a 3rd Generation Locksmith with a BA (Hons) Criminology. He has 35 years of experience in the locksmith and security industry and is a locksmith trainer providing On-LIne and Hands-On locksmith training to people, businesses and Law Enforcement all across North America and Asia.

Terry Whin-Yates‘ BC Security License is B4227. http://mrlocksmithtraining.com/about-terry-whin-yates/ Thanks for watching! ?

Lishi is a very good tool for locksmiths to figure out, because you have to use a Lishi tool and most the application you’re basically feeling the wafers, you’re going the binding wafer, you pick that one first and then you can go for the next binding wafer. That’s how you use the Mr. Lishi tools for automotive. They’ve come out with fantastic tools, they’ve come out with four tools now. One for 5-pin quick set, the 6-pin quick set, also the 5-pin Schlage, and the 6-pin Schlage.

Open Master Padlock with Lishi Tool | Mr. Locksmith Abbotsford

Open Master Padlock with Lishi Tool | Mr. Locksmith Abbotsford

So you can get KW1, KW5, or KW10 I will call it. The SC1 and the SC4. I had the pleasure of testing some of the prototypes. The tools made my Mr. Lishi, I tested the 5-pin and the 6-pin Mr. Lishi tools on quick set rocks, and they say it’ll do whether it has mushroom or spool pins or whatever. It’s exactly the same as when you’re using regular picks. You put the tool in and you’re feeling for which pin is binding first.

Single Pin Picking, SPP, or they like to call the field method or the French method. We’ll call it the SPP for today. Because of the tolerances within the lock and the inaccuracies of machining, we will find um let’s take a 5-pin one of the pins will be binding, and that’s the pin you pick first. And the tool is fantastic because it has all your spacing for quick set and the depths and we know they go most of the quick sets go 1 to 6. So you can feel with the tool you can find exactly which one is binding. You pick that one and then find your next one. So it’s not always 1-2-3-4-5, it could be the 3rd, the 5th, the 4th, the 2nd. You just remember which one’s binding first, and it’s not the same in all locks, because of the different machining processes.

Now that picks really quick now watch this we leave it picked we can read this thing, so let’s read it. So the first cut is…so that’s a four. The second cut, is a five. Third cut is a five. And the fourth cut is a one. So, not only can we pick this pretty quick, we can read it and I’ll make a key to it!

Pick Open Master Padlock with Lishi Tool | Mr. Locksmith Abbotsford

Pick Open Master Padlock with Lishi Tool | Mr. Locksmith Abbotsford